Cleaning and construction site cleanup
We offer comprehensive and efficient cleaning services for your construction projects. We take care of removing construction waste, cleaning floors, windows, and surfaces, ensuring overall cleanliness and a presentable appearance of your building.
Cleaning of healthcare facilities
When cleaning healthcare facilities, we prioritize thorough cleaning and disinfection to ensure a safe and clean environment. With our meticulous attention to detail, you can be confident that patients will experience a pleasant atmosphere, while the staff will benefit from optimal working conditions.
Commercial establishments
We provide cleaning services for commercial spaces, including hotels, guesthouses, cultural and sports facilities. With our team, we ensure thorough cleaning and maintenance to create a pleasant environment for guests and visitors. Whether it's cleaning rooms, common areas or sports facilities, we are here to ensure cleanliness, comfort and safety for your clients.
© awite spol. s r. o.
awite s. r. o., Sládkovičova 1222/73, 02404 SK - Kysucké Nové Mesto, Executives: Stanislava Šutá, Registrierung: Okresný súd Žilina vložka č. 71514/L
Identification: 54574633, VAT number: 2121723912, VAT identification number: SK 2121723912
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